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  • 助理研究员
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  • yyh@jaas.ac.cn
  • 粮油安全与营养创新团队

    1. 2018.9-2022.3 哥本哈根大学 食品院配料与乳制品技术专业(博士)

    2. 2015.6-2018.9 华南理工大学 食品科学与工程(硕士)

    3. 2011.9-2015.6华中农业大学 食品科学与工程(本科)

    1. 天然产物与肠道营养

    2. 药食同源物质功能活性的挖掘

    3. 乳品加工与营养


    1.国家自然科学基金-青年基金,基于AGE-RAGE通路解析晚期糖基化终产物介导肠屏障损伤的作用机制, 2025.01-2027.12,30万元


    3. 南京市留学人员科技创新项目,婴配奶中AGEs诱导小儿坏死性小肠结肠炎的机制研究,2023.8-2024.8,3万元

    4. 江苏省粮油质量监测中心横向项目,江苏优质稻米品质分析与评价研究,2023.12-2025.5,7万元



    1. 2023年江苏省双创人才

    2. 江苏省农业科学院紫金人才—青年拔尖人才,院聘副研究员


    1. Feng, Z., Shen, Y., Fan, G., Li, T., Wu, C., & Ye, Y.* (2023). Unravelling the Proteomic Profiles of Bovine Colostrum and Mature Milk Derived from the First and Second Lactations. Foods, 12(22), 4056.

    2. Ye, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, P., Chen, J., & Zhang, C. (2023). Uncovering the Nutritive Profiles of Adult Male Chinese Mitten Crab (E. sinensis) Harvested from the Pond and Natural Water Area of Qin Lake Based on Metabolomics. Foods, 12(11), 2178.

    3. Ye, Y., Engholm-Keller, K., Fang, Y., Nielsen, C. F., Jordà, A., Lund, M. N., & Chatterton, D. E. (2022). UHT treatment and storage of liquid infant formula affects protein digestion and release of bioactive peptides. Food & Function, 13(1), 344-355.

    4. Ye, Y., You, L., Deng, Q., Li, X., & Zhao, M. (2019). Preparation, structure identification and the anti-photoaging activity of peptide fraction OP-Ia from Ostrea rivularis. RSC advances, 9(1), 44-51.

    5. Ye, Y., Ji, D., You, L., Zhou, L., Zhao, Z., & Brennan, C. (2018). Structural properties and protective effect of Sargassum fusiforme polysaccharides against ultraviolet B radiation in hairless Kun Ming mice. Journal of Functional Foods, 43, 8-16.

    6. Sun, J., Akıllıoğlu, H. G., Aasmul-Olsen, K., Ye, Y., Lund, P., Zhao, X., Anders B., Nielsen, C., Chatterton, D., Sangild, P., Lund, M. & Bering, S. B. (2022). Ultra‐High Temperature Treatment and Storage of Infant Formula Induces Dietary Protein Modifications, Gut Dysfunction, and Inflammation in Preterm Pigs. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 66(20), 2200132.

    7. Wang, Y., Liu, P., Ye, Y., Hammock, B. D., & Zhang, C. (2023). An integrated approach to improve the assay performance of quantum dot-based lateral flow immunoassays by using silver deposition. Microchemical Journal, 192, 108932.

    8. Ye, Y., Sun‐Waterhouse, D., You, L., & Abbasi, A. M. (2017). Harnessing food‐based bioactive compounds to reduce the effects of ultraviolet radiation: A review exploring the link between food and human health. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 52(3), 595-607.

    9. Liu, W., Ye, Y., Hu, J., Nie, S., & He, H. (2016). Hepatoprotection of soybean protein isolate and 7S, 11S proteins. Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association, 31(11), 32-36.

    10. Zhang, Q., Yang, S., Ye, Y., & Peng, L. (2014). Research Progress in Chemical Constituents and Antifungal Activity of Volatile Oil from Pine Needles. Natural Product Research and Development, 26, 332-336.