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  • 粮油安全与营养创新团队

    1. 2004.08-2011.07 南京农业大学昆虫毒理与分子生物学(博士研究生)

    2. 1993.8-1997.7 南京农业大学植物保护系植物保护(本科)

    1. 农产品危害物识别及其产生、累积、迁移规律研究与风险评估                                 

    2. 农产品安全快速检测技术与产品研发                                                              

    3. 农产品营养成分鉴定、功效评价及其健康调控作用机理                                                                 



    1. 国家自然科学基金面上基金项目,32072311,广谱型抗体分子识别机理研究及其特异性改造,2021-2024                                                               

    2. 国家重点研发计划(课题),2019YFC1605901, 黄淮特色酱卤鸡肉制品风险物质快速检测与精准识别技术研究, 2020-2022.                                                 

    3. 江苏省政策引导类计划(国际科技合作)项目,BX2021011,基于肠道微生物菌群影响的食品安全累计毒性研究,2021-2022        





    1. 农产品中农药与重金属快速免疫检测技术创建与应用,2017年神农中华农业科技奖一等奖(第4)

    2. 农产品中农药残留快速免疫检测技术与产品,2017年江苏省科技进步一等奖(第4)


    文章(通讯) :                                                                                                                                

    1. Liu, P., Jiang, L., Zhao, Y., Wang, Y., Ye, Y., & Xue, F., Hammock, B. D., & Zhang, C. (2024). Fluorescent and Colorimetric Dual-Readout Immunochromatographic Assay for the Detection of Phenamacril Residues in Agricultural Products. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 19(72), 11241-11250.

    2. Gui, Y., Zhao, Y., Liu, P., Wang, Y., Mao, X., & Peng, C., Hammock, B. D., & Zhang, C. (2024). Colorimetric and Reverse Fluorescence Dual-Signal Readout Immunochromatographic Assay for the Sensitive Determination of Sibutramine. ACS Omega. 6(9), 7075-7084.                  

    3. Fang, X., Liu, T., Xue, C., Xue, G., Wu, M., Liu, P., Hammock, B. D., Lai, W., Peng, J., & Zhang, C. (2024). Competitive ratiometric fluorescent lateral flow immunoassay based on dual emission signal for sensitive detection of chlorothalonil. Food Chemistry, 433, 137200.                4. Zhao, Y., Huang, S., Chao, M., Wang, Y., Liu, P., Li, P., Fang, X., Routledge, M. N., Peng, C., & Zhang, C. (2023). Highly resistant and sensitive colorimetric immunochromatographic assay for sibutramine (SBT) illegally adulterated into diet food based on PDA/AuNP labelling. The Analyst, 5094–5104                                       

    5. Wang, Y., Liu, P., Ye, Y., Hammock, B. D., & Zhang, C. (2023). An Integrated Approach to Improve the Assay Performance of Quantum Dot-Based Lateral Flow Immunoassays by Using Silver Deposition. Microchemical Journal, 108932.                                                             

    6. Ye, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, P., Chen, J., & Zhang, C. (2023). Uncovering the Nutritive Profiles of Adult Male Chinese Mitten Crab (E. sinensis) Harvested from the Pond and Natural Water Area of Qin Lake Based on Metabolomics. Foods, 12(11), 2178.          

    7. Mao, X., Wang, Y., Jiang, L., Zhang, H., Zhao, Y., Liu, P., Liu, J., Hammock, B. D., & Zhang, C. (2022). A polydopamine-coated gold nanoparticles quenching quantum dots-based dual-readout lateral flow immunoassay for sensitive detection of carbendazim in agriproducts. Biosensors, 12.

    8. Zhang, H., Zhang, H., Zhao, L., Zhou, B., Li, P., Liu, B., Wang, Y., Yang, C., Huang, K., & Zhang, C. (2021). Ecosystem impact and dietary exposure of polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs) and heavy metals in chinese mitten crabs (eriocheir sinensis) and their farming areas in Jiangsu, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 227, 112936.

    9. Dong, S., Gao, M., Guan, L., Zhang, H., & Zhang, C. (2020). Construction, expression, and identification of double light chain (vl-vl) antibody from a unique bt cry1-specific monoclonal antibody. Food Analytical Methods, 13(8)

    10. Dong, S., Gao, M., Bo, Z., Guan, L., Zhang, H., Liu, P., Li, P., He, K., Liu, X., & Zhang, C. (2020). Production and characterization of a single-chain variable fragment antibody from a site-saturation mutagenesis library derived from the anti-Cry1A monoclonal antibody - ScienceDirect. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 149, 60-69.

    11. Fu, J., Zhou, Y., Huang, X., Zhang, W., Wu, Y., Fang, H., Zhang, C., & Xiong, Y. (2020). Dramatically Enhanced Immunochromatographic Assay Using Cascade Signal Amplification for Ultrasensitive Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Milk. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 68(4), 1118-1125.       


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